NCAABK championship game pool

NCAABK championship game pool

Basketball pools give all participants a chance to win. It is based solely on luck and there is no skill in determining which team has the better players and which team is likely to cover the spread. Instead, participants are randomly assigned one of 100 squares.

2022 NCAABK Championship Pool

Make a deposit between Mar 24nd to Apr 3rd, and get an entry into our March Madness square pool, and a chance to win a FREE PLAY, equal to 50% or even 100% of your biggest deposit made during that period.

  • Halftime Pool Winner: Get a 50% FREE PLAY of your largest deposited added to your account
  • Full Game Pool Winner: Get 100% FREE PLAY of your largest deposit added to your account

Squares pools are a type of sports pool that gives all participants a chance to win. It is based solely on luck and there is no skill in determining which team has the better players and which team is likely to cover the spread. Instead, participants pick one of 100 squares. Each square represents a spot on a 10-by-10 grid and it corresponds to the last digit of each team’s scoring total. A winner is determined the day after the Super Bowl

A winner is determined at the end of 1st Half, and Final Game score. The winner is determined by looking at the last number in each of the teams’ score, and then matching those numbers on the grid and seeing which square intersects those two numbers.


NCAA Championship Pool #1

NCAANorth Carolina 1North Carolina 9North Carolina 5North Carolina 0North Carolina 6North Carolina 2North Carolina 7North Carolina 3North Carolina 8North Carolina 4
Kansas 1ABS94300RS6262BETA4024HRW11638HRW1796ABS23004X1497BTT11988MEG2026V18425
Kansas 7HRW8146ABS12990MEG2362ABS14380ABS34924RS4441BAG2008BAG2236ABS14312ABS36097
Kansas 3ABS22969ABS13300HRW9678V116326BAG1622ABS33384ABS35959BAG1169BTT14752V129226
Kansas 5ABS18208BETA3075V20219HR9706ABS33376MEG2734ABS21467ABS29450BETA7440LG6904
Kansas 0BTT6595V7582HRW11601BAG1330ABS14140BTT6859ABS33427ABS32719ABS33434BTT3336
Kansas 8V7527V10596ABS33369HRW4426HRW11431BTT10183BTT16137BETA3861ABS27772BETA4140
Kansas 2ABS35353V18506🏆
Game Winner
Kansas 6BAG2144HRW2306ABS29119BTT11211ABS36282BIG50262BAG1381BAG1125ABS33425ABS33526
Kansas 4ABS10790HRW2780ABS36372ABS5708BTT5214ABS33422ABS94121ABS33433BAG2070ABS21411
Kansas 9BAG2105BTT18494HR9630HR9493🏆
1/2 Time